Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dear Miss California

Dear Miss California,

In the words of the wise Martin Luther King, Jr:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"*

I really think you should find a job that doesn't require you to degrade millions of your fellow Americans, and causes you to speak out against equal rights for all human beings.
During your years at San Diego Christian College (an evangelistic school... surprise? Not that theres anything nessecarily wrong with that. But really, are we surprised?) were you ever enrolled in a public speaking course? I will take the risk of being wrong and say No. Otherwise, you might be aware that a large percent of your target audience, the pageant community, is homosexual and were highly offended by your ignorant response to an emotionally sensitive question. Millions of people are having to hide their identity, thanks to individuals like yourself who ridicule their lifestyle, or become victims of heinous, vicious crimes when they do stand up for what they believe in. Children are subject to teasing, emotional abuse, and violence because of who they are, what they look like. Children are killing themselves because of the ridicule targeted at their sexual orientation. This issue goes beyond the socially Conservative ideology and opinions regarding the subject. A large majority of our citizens are members of the LGBT community, and we have to take care of our people. Regardless of our own personal feelings, we have to take care of our people.

You call yourself a "Ideal Christain" and I can't help but to question if that is a fitting term to describe your behavior. My God loves all people, big, small, black, white, purple and poka-dotted. Fat people, skinny people, straight people, gay people. Nice people, mean people, old people, young people. Free people, incarcerated people, county club people, poor people. If you follow the bible, like you claim you do, you should recall where God said He loves all people. If God has a problem with gay people, he would probably like to deal with it himself, seeing as how the bible states he is the only one to judge. Besides, he might be more concered about the effects of breast implants on your and your future children's health.

We're aware by now that things aren't "that way" were you come from, but I didn't realize that your tiny, simple-minded view of the world should be applied to the rest of us who have no problem basking in the reality of our culture.
And don't go blaming all the gays and homos... you would have lost anyway, idiot.

Hunny, you are a bright red shirt in a blue state.

Love & Peace,

*Martin Luther King, Jr

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